How to soak up water in your basement: Top solutions

Finding water in your basement is a homeowner’s nightmare. Not only can it cause significant damage to your property, it can also lead to ongoing health hazards such as mould and mildew. 

If you’ve found water in your basement, you’re probably here because you’re searching for the best water in basement solutions. Let’s explore some effective methods to tackle this problem and keep your basement dry. 

Identify the source of water 

Before you can effectively deal with water in your basement, it’s crucial to identify where it’s coming from. Water can enter your basement through cracks in the foundations, window leaks, or even plumbing issues. Whether it’s small amounts of water or your basement is flooded, it’s better to find out how the water is getting in so you can install a solution. By pinpointing the source, you can take the right action to prevent it from occurring and prevent basement flooding in the future. 

Quick fixes for soaking up water in your basement 

If you find water in your basement, your first thought is probably ‘what to use to soak up the water in your basement’. The first step is to remove it as quickly as you can. If you want to do this without hiring a professional, here are some of the best quick fixes: 

  • Wet/Dry vacuum: A wet/dry vacuum is an excellent tool for soaking up and removing water. It’s powerful and designed specifically to handle liquid spills. 
  • Mop and Bucket: While it may be a bit labour-intensive, using a mop and bucket is a straightforward way to soak up smaller amounts of water. 
  • Towels and Sponges: For minor leaks or dampness, towels and sponges can be effective. Place them on the wet areas and wring them out as soon as they’re saturated. 
  • Dehumidifiers: Running a dehumidifier can help reduce the moisture levels in your basement, especially after you’ve removed the standing water. 


Long-term solutions for water in your basement 

While the above methods are useful for immediate relief from water in your basement, it’s essential to implement long-term solutions that will prevent the water from returning and causing water damage in the future. 

Sump Pumps 

A sump pump is one of the most effective solutions for keeping your basement dry long-term. It works by collecting water that gathers in a sump basin and will pump the water out of your basement to a location away from your home’s foundation. This is particularly useful in areas prone to heavy rainfall or with high water tables. 

If you’d like to know more about how sump pumps work, read our blog. 

For help installing a sump pump or choosing the right model, please contact our team

Pumping Stations 

If your property has more significant water issues, a pumping station might be necessary. These systems are designed to handle larger volumes of water, providing robust protection against flooding. Pumping stations are ideal for homes in low-lying areas or with basements below the water table. 

Our range of high-quality pumping stations offers reliable solutions for any size property. Contact us for help finding the perfect system for your needs. 

Sealing Cracks and Gaps 

Water often enters your home through cracks in the foundation or gaps around windows and doors. Sealing these areas with waterproof sealants can prevent water from seeping into your basement. Regular inspections and maintenance are essential to keep these seals intact. 

Proper Landscaping

Ensure your landscaping directs water away from your home. Grading your garden so that it slopes away from the foundations of your home can help prevent water from pooling near your basement walls. Additionally, extending downspouts away from your house can reduce the risk of water infiltration. 

Waterproofing Membranes 

Applying waterproofing membranes to your basement floor and walls can provide an additional layer of protection. These membranes are designed to block water from penetrating your basement, keeping it dry even during heavy rains. 

Regular maintenance and inspections 

Preventative maintenance is key to keeping your basement dry. Regularly inspect your basement for signs of moisture, and check your sump pump and pumping station for proper operation, and maintain the seals around windows and doors. Early detection of potential issues can save you from costly repairs down the line. 

Dealing with water in your basement can be stressful, but with the right approach, you can effective manage and prevent it. From immediate fixes such as wet/dry vacuums and dehumidifiers to long-term solutions such as sump pumps and waterproofing membranes, there are numerous ways to protect your basement. 

If you need professional advice or assistance with sump pumps and pumping stations, our team at Sumps & Pumps is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help or browse our range of products

By taking proactive steps and implementing these solutions, you can ensure that your basement remains a dry, safe and functional space. 

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