Basement waterproofing systems: Everything you need to know

Waterproofing is necessary to protect your basement from flooding. A buildup of groundwater can raise the water table, leading to hydrostatic water pressure. Without sufficient waterproofing, this pressure can result in water leaking into your basement through joints and cracks. Water entering your basement can lead to mould, damp, structural problems, and expensive water damage to your possessions and furnishings. 

In this blog, our experts will cover everything you need to know about basement waterproofing systems, including:

  • What do you need to waterproof your basement?
  • What’s a basement waterproofing pump system?
  • How to choose the most appropriate waterproofing system for your basement?
  • Why is a basement waterproofing pump system important?


What do you need to waterproof your basement?

There are two types of waterproofing systems that you can use to protect your basement structure: basement tanking and basement membranes alongside a cavity drainage system and sump pump. Basement tanking works by preventing the passage of water into the basement using external waterproofing. However, the second waterproofing system involves controlling the flow of water and directing it to an evacuation point away from your property. 

Basement tanking

Also known as Type A barrier protection, basement tanking is a basement waterproofing method that can be applied externally, internally or both. Cementitious tanking materials are used to block water ingress into the basement. These materials (in the form of a slurry) are applied to the masonry surface. Typically, two to three coats are required to be effective. Once it has cured, the basement tanking slurry creates a water-impermeable surface, which can then be protected by a coat of render. This method ensures that the basement remains dry. 


Basement membranes

Also known as Type C waterproofing, waterproof membranes and a cavity drainage system on the walls and floor are designed to channel water away from your basement rather than prevent water from entering. Any water ingress is channelled through a cavity drain membrane and into drainage channels. This wastewater is pumped away using a basement sump pump to an external drain or evacuation point. 


What’s a basement waterproofing pump system?

A crucial aspect of a Type C waterproofing system is a sump pump. This removes groundwater in the basement, including water collected from the cavity drain membranes. A sump pump helps ensure your basement is fully protected from water damage, even if there is a flood or a prolonged period of bad weather.

How does a basement sump pump work?

A sump pump is installed in the lowest part of your basement. It’s essential for properties below the water table or prone to flooding. The pump sits in a sump pit or chamber, a hole in your basement floor. 

If groundwater rises in your basement during heavy rain, it can lead to costly water damage. A sump pump installed in your basement will automatically activate and start pumping the water away from your property’s foundations. As the water level rises, it is collected in the sump pit until it reaches a pre-set level. Once this level is reached, the float switch activates the pump. The water is pumped through a discharge pipe to a predetermined location, such as a drain.  


How to choose the most appropriate waterproofing system for your basement?

If you’re planning to convert your basement into a liveable space, it’s often recommended that you use both tanking materials and basement membranes to ensure that your finished space doesn’t suffer water damage or dampness. This gives you complete peace of mind about your basement. However, a basement sump pump system might suffice for other basement uses to deal with any excess water in the area. 

Using solely basement tanking is ​​only suitable for minimal levels of water ingress. It will likely not provide enough protection if you live in an area with a high water table tanking or if your property is prone to flooding. 

You’ll also need to ensure your basement water system complies with regulations. The BS8102 (the Code of Practice for Protection of Structures Against Water Ingress) provides guidance on the various waterproofing systems and how to choose the appropriate system for your usage. 

Do you need a basement waterproofing pump system?

Every home with a basement should have a sump pump system to deal with water ingress, but it’s essential if your home sits below the water table or is prone to flooding. When used with a cavity drain system, a pump system helps ensure your basement stays clean and dry.


Why is a basement waterproofing pump system important?

Flood prevention

If your home floods, this can cause costly and long-lasting damage. A sump pump combined with a cavity drainage system is a simple way to reduce the risk of flooding and prevent you from spending significant amounts of money repairing water damage. 

Mould prevention 

Mould thrives in moist conditions, such as a damp or flooded basement, which can cause health problems if left unchecked. Having a sump pump installed eliminates standing water and reduces moisture levels, so mould cannot grow. 

Fire prevention 

Sump pumps can also help prevent electrical fires and fire damage. If your basement floods, water can enter the electrical outlets or circus, leading to dangerous electrical fires.


How Sumps and Pumps can help

At Sumps and Pumps, we offer everything you need to waterproof your basement fully. 

We stock a range of sump pumps to suit basements of all sizes and requirements. All of our basement pumping stations include a sump chamber and a single or dual submersible pump to remove standing water from your cellar. If you deal with higher volumes of water, we recommend a twin pump system as these will offer you better protection from flooding. 

Our site offers both budget-friendly pumping stations, which need assembling, and professional, ready-to-go cellar sump pump stations. Many of our cellar pumping stations feature a squat chamber to make the installation as simple as possible. 

We also offer a comprehensive range of high-quality waterproofing products.  All our waterproofing stud membranes are BBA-approved as suitable for type ‘C’ Cavity Drainage Membrane Systems in accordance with BS8102. We also stock water drainage channels and water channel stands to control water ingress. 

Browse our full range of sump pumps, pumping stations and waterproofing accessories in our online shop. If you need help choosing the right system to waterproof your basement, please contact our team. We’ll be happy to offer advice and guidance. 


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